sexta-feira, 28 de maio de 2010


In 2008, when applying for NYU, I was asked the following question, to which I replied.

Describe a trait or characteristic that has been passed along to you by your family. Tell us why you like or dislike this aspect of yourself.
Limit your response to 7 lines, or approximately 500 characters. If you need additional space, please use the "Additional Information" page (page 7).

Throughout my family tree, a vital trait has always been a profound passion for history and its telling. History bestows knowledge which cannot ever be taken away from you, according to Dumas.

Our love for story-telling has probably emerged from Judaism. At family gatherings, ancient and modern stories are always retold with the same punch lines.

My family history and my own stories intertwined have helped to shape my character. By learning about my origins, I learn about myself, thus capable of finding my own path.

Though I had only 500 god-damned characters to use - I remember I traded the word "strong" for "vital" because it had one less character - I meant it when I spoke of the importance of storytelling. Stories have changed me and my way of viewing the world, even if they were fiction - imagine that!

I become a filmmaker in order to tell stories to the world. Stories which build character, which excite, which provoke, which make you cry, laugh or love... alas, stories give you knowledge and knowledge remains forever.

segunda-feira, 24 de maio de 2010


Basic movie plot: sweet girl meets bad boy.

As opposites, they attract one another

Throughout all that, the boy insists that he’s no good for her

She doesn’t believe that

How could she?

Her imagination has gone wild with thoughts

And though truth stares at her face,

Girl falls for boy


The bad boy is indeed a bad boy

And more often than not, her heart ends up broken

Boys – and girls if I may say so

Use the powerful weapon of manipulation

And although foretold,

We insist on falling for it

As above, the boy did warn her

What if she only listened…