domingo, 25 de julho de 2010

The Graduation Dream

I had a very weird dream last night. I dream I was going to graduate in school (again) - I knew it was at school because I remember I would be meeting my German teachers. Well, the graduation would take place in two hours or so and I wasn't ready. I still had to do my hair. I know the dream didn't begin there, but the first thing I recall it going to the hair stylist with Ingrid, I think. The receptionist told me they were too busy, but I urged her, as it was an emergency. As it usually happens, she asked me to wait. I went to a sort of waiting room, but it was actually a movie theatre lobby - I'm not saying it makes sense. There I met Anna Israel and the three of us - Anna, Ingrid and me (although I have a vague sense that the twins were there as well) - talked for a while. I distinctively remember Anna still with her broken foot, because she had it on a cushion. I suddenly remembered I was supposed to check the hair appointment, so I went outside and ran two blocks or so to it. Remember I had been in the waiting room - yeah, well... I got there and they had no time for me. OK, I though, no biggy, it's just my graduation. And I honestly didn't think much of it. I figured I should meet the girls in the movie theatre again, so I ran there. But I couldn't find it anywhere... I ran the two block, ran some more and nothing. I then ran back the other way, figuring I had gone wrong at some point. Then I found myself beside a field, where I met Laís, Guto and a bunch of other people I don't remember. They were sweet as always, but I was determined to find the theatre, so I ran off again. I finally gave up at some point and admitted I was lost. So I ran - yeah, I did a lot of running - back to the field to meet Laís and Guto again. The field was absolutely beautiful and I found them. I remember running some more, meeting some school seniors, not caring about what I would wear to graduation and being terribly late. That's all.
So... Now I wonder why I dreamt it. It has probably a lot to do with the fact that I'm part of the shooting crew of graduation at the university today. But as I sit here looking at the graduates coming in, I can't help, but to remember my own graduation, my Abitur graduation. My father was late as usual and I didn't take a single picture with my parents. Not one... I only realized this days later and I started sobbing in my bedroom. I felt as if they didn't care. I had taken loads of pictures, with my teachers, with my friends, FOR my friends with THEIR parents, but none with my own parents. We just forgot... This must mean something, right? What's wrong in a parent-child relationship for the parents not to care when their daughter graduates? I see here all the lighten aces beside me now. The fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters (my siblings couldn't come to graduation because they live in São Paulo... lame excuse), grandmothers, grandfathers, cousins... Some have brought flowers, cards with saying, cornets... I know my family won't bring a thing, they are just not the type.
I don't know if I dreamt what I did, because of this or if it was because I was shooting at the graduation... I just know I remembered me crying when I found out I had no pictures with them. It just isn't normal for parents and children to be like this. It just ain't. This was almost two years ago and right now, I've never felt so distant from my parents. We live in the same house, under the same roof, but we don't share a home. We don't share meals, we don't call each other, we barely talk. This just saddens me deeply and I have no idea how to react to this. I mean, they are the grown-ups here. My mum practically hates my guts and my father thinks I'm unstable. Seriously, they have no interest in my life - nor apparently I in theirs - and they know me way less than my closest friends.

PS: I honestly think Laís & Guto might have appeared in the dream, because they are a parenting figure, like when they held my hand to take the flu vaccine and when they baby-talk me into agreeing on something.

quinta-feira, 22 de julho de 2010

Grazie, Alfredo!

Pessoalmente, não há filme mais belo e inocente que “Cinema Paradiso” (“Nuovo Cinema Paradiso”, Itália, 1988), de Giuseppe Tornatore. Ele nos conta a história de Salvatore Di Vita (Jacques Perrin), que ao descobrir da morte de Alfredo (Philippe Noiret) se lança em um flashback de sua infância em sua cidade natal Giancaldo.

Salvatore, mais conhecido à época como Totó (Salvatore Cascio), era apenas uma criança quando conhece o Cinema Paradiso. Sempre arrumando confusão, cochilava na igreja como o coroinha; espiava pelas cortinas do cinema, enquanto o padre censurava as cenas; fingia machucar o pé para conseguir carona de bicicleta e ainda gastava o dinheiro do leite para ir ao Paradiso. Além disso, mesmo sem permissão, entrava na cabine do projetor Alfredo, de onde roubava alguns frames de negativos esquecidos. Como a imaginação infantil é interessante: com apenas um destes pedaços, ele já criava uma história.

A vida de Totó se resumia à escola com todas suas excentricidades e ao Paradiso. E no início dos anos 30, ir ao cinema era uma grande experiência: crianças imitavam os índios da tela, a comédia era super ingênua e beijos eram considerados pornografia. Até os adultos se comportavam como meninos, batendo palmas todos juntos para acordar um dorminhoco. É então, que através de uma pequena chantagem, Totó começa a trabalhar com Alfredo, que o ensina tudo sobre a projeção de um filme.
O tempo passa e vê-se a realidade da bella Itália: mulheres pintando na praça, muitos analfabetos que não entendem os intertítulos dos filmes, a máfia napolitana por trás de certos favores e os primeiros sinais da guerra. E assim Totó cresce, começa a documentar sua vida em 16mm e conhece Elena (Agnese Nano). E como em todo primeiro amor, é incrível as baboseiras que se faz, esperando tê-lo contribuído. Tudo caminha bem, no entanto, Salvatore deve ir embora, retornando nostálgico só anos depois para o funeral de Alfredo.
O longa-metragem presta atenção nos mínimos detalhes, como se fotografasse pequenos rituais do cotidiano – sinos batendo, mãos fazendo tricô, mulheres enchendo vasos d’água na fonte – e são esses momentos que dão o feeling do filme. Além disso, com a trilha sonora estupenda de Ennio Morricone, a simplicidade das vidas e a serenidade da cidadezinha tornam-se mágicas.
Incrivelmente metalingüístico, este é um filme que fala sobre filmes, se passa num cinema e conta a história de um cineasta. Assim é dificílimo ele não apelar aos cinéfilos, aos quais recomendo aguardarem a cena final, na qual é impossível não ficar arrepiado quando a promessa é cumprida.

sexta-feira, 16 de julho de 2010

Check Mate

Chess is life.
Everyone is a pawn in the immense board which is the world.
Every move is has meaning, crucial to determine the ending.
I'm just another piece in the board and every move around me influences my path. Thus I must learn how best to play the game and find out which role to play on the board.
Will I be a pawn, as dispensable a piece as it is ordinary, with its seven other brothers displaying the same function on the board? It leads a straight slow path, without major surprises and interesting turns. It can make a fatal difference, like a distinguished soldier in a war. Nevertheless it could never win the game.
Will I be a knight, which with its quizzical moves manages to encircle everyone around it. It can face major challenges, moving differently from anyone else, and yet, as powerful as it is, it could never win the war alone.
Will I be a bishop? This piece, together with its significant other, can rule the board. However alone, it only poses threats. This piece and its partner remind me the most of the concept of a soul mate: inseparable, they become unbeatable.
Will I be a rook, travelling easily through the board? Restless and threatening, it is a fortress. However, if one finds its weakness, the rook is doomed.
Will I be a queen, without boundaries, taking large steps in every direction? All powerful and greedy, it conquers the board to achieve its goal. It moves looking for its perfect position, leaving everyone else in awe and to re-order themselves around it. Strategic, ruthless and simply brilliant, the board isn't the same without her - it has no true leader.
And finally, will I be a king? The most crucial piece in the entire board and yet almost powerless. The reason for every piece's existence and yet it can't protect itself. Moves in every direction and yet a short single step at a time. And when finally the king is trapped, when all unnecessary lives have gone astray and when everyone's moves have reached their final purpose, the game ends, it's over.
Check mate.