sexta-feira, 16 de julho de 2010

Check Mate

Chess is life.
Everyone is a pawn in the immense board which is the world.
Every move is has meaning, crucial to determine the ending.
I'm just another piece in the board and every move around me influences my path. Thus I must learn how best to play the game and find out which role to play on the board.
Will I be a pawn, as dispensable a piece as it is ordinary, with its seven other brothers displaying the same function on the board? It leads a straight slow path, without major surprises and interesting turns. It can make a fatal difference, like a distinguished soldier in a war. Nevertheless it could never win the game.
Will I be a knight, which with its quizzical moves manages to encircle everyone around it. It can face major challenges, moving differently from anyone else, and yet, as powerful as it is, it could never win the war alone.
Will I be a bishop? This piece, together with its significant other, can rule the board. However alone, it only poses threats. This piece and its partner remind me the most of the concept of a soul mate: inseparable, they become unbeatable.
Will I be a rook, travelling easily through the board? Restless and threatening, it is a fortress. However, if one finds its weakness, the rook is doomed.
Will I be a queen, without boundaries, taking large steps in every direction? All powerful and greedy, it conquers the board to achieve its goal. It moves looking for its perfect position, leaving everyone else in awe and to re-order themselves around it. Strategic, ruthless and simply brilliant, the board isn't the same without her - it has no true leader.
And finally, will I be a king? The most crucial piece in the entire board and yet almost powerless. The reason for every piece's existence and yet it can't protect itself. Moves in every direction and yet a short single step at a time. And when finally the king is trapped, when all unnecessary lives have gone astray and when everyone's moves have reached their final purpose, the game ends, it's over.
Check mate.

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